Tuesday, April 26, 2011


ON-A was created as an international architectural laboratory, located in Barcelona since 2005, with a long professional experience. As the main objective, we try to help give meaning to the discipline of architecture, with interesting solutions to everyday problems, trying to develop with maximum quality and respect to the design, technology and knowledge of the environment.

New methods and design and production techniques developed by the industry in recent years, we provide new work strategies that allow us to evolve into greater complexities proyectuales. Tools such as CAD-CAM can make comprehensive control of the product before taking it out and especially in the construction process.

ON-A relates to a wide variety of clients, from management and major developers worldwide, to individual customers. The projects have a unique design and non-transferable, giving exclusivity to the client. Means a project from your idea intangible management process, to formal-digital physical product.
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