Monday, November 29, 2010

Pysall Ruge Architekten

Pysall Ruge Architekten
Justus Pysall
After completing his diploma in 1989, Pysall went to London and worked three years at Foster Associates. From 1990 until 1992 he lectured at the London Architectural Association as an assistant, and realised at the same time his first project in London’s East End. Following this he worked at Jean Nouvel´s office in Paris until the foundation of his own office in Berlin. In 1993 Pysall and Ruge founded their joint office in Berlin, in 2001 Pysall Ruge Planungsgesellschaft mbH, and in 2006 an office in Hangzhou, China.

Justus Pysall has lectured, among other places, at the Faculty of Architecture in Sao Paulo, Brazil, at the Deutsches Architektur Museum in Frankfurt, at the TU Berlin, at the IBA Labor in Hamburg, and at the Centre of Architecture Manggha in Krakow, Poland, as well as at the Mutual Concerns Conference in Washington DC, USA.

He is a member of the Architects’ Association Berlin, the AIV, the BDA, the Stiftung Baukultur and the Schinkel Committee of the AIV.

Peter Ruge
Peter Ruge was offered, after receiving his diploma in 1988, a DAAD scholarship for the “City of the Future – Future of the City” at the Kyoto University. After that he worked in the Ueda Atelier and in the office of Genplan Architects, Kyoto. In addition, he lectured two years at the Ashiya College of Arts and Computer in Kobe. In 1993, on returning to Germany, he took a post as assistant at the TU Braunschweig at the Special Department “Light and Sound” until 1996.

In 1993 Pysall and Ruge founded their joint office in Berlin, in 2001 Pysall Ruge Planungsgesellschaft mbH,and in 2006, an office in Hangzhou, China.

Peter Ruge has lectured, among other places, at the TU Berlin - at the Zhejang University in Hangzhou, China - at the IBA Labor in Hamburg - at the Asian-Pacific-Week in Berlin, as well as at the Mianyang’s Future Conference in China.

He is a member of the Architects’ Association Berlin, the BDA, the Asian-Pacific Forum and the German-Japanese Organisation Berlin, as well as the of the stadtkultur international ev.
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