Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Jaume Bach Núñez

Jaume Bach Núñez was born in Sabadell in 1943. He studied at ETSAB Architecture School in Barcelona, where he got his degree in 1969 and teaches since 1972. He got his Ph.D. in 1991, and he is a head professor since 1998.

From 1965 to 1966 collaborated at MBM studio and from 1967 to 1968 at Correa and Milà studio. In 1976 he founded Bach – Mora arquitectes, and in 1998 Bach arquitectes.

He has taught Composition and Projects and is nowadays Degree Project coordinator, president of the foreign degree convalidation tribunal and member of ETSAB Degree Project Tribunal. He has been a visiting professor at Urbino, Hannover and Dublin.

He has given many seminars and conferences at Spain, Germany, Austria, France, Netherlands, Italy, Slovenia, England, Ireland, Finland, Portugal, Rumania, United States, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Chile and Russian Federation.

His work has been exhibited in several cities in Spain, in Paris (1981), Europalia Brusels (1985), Paris Biennial exhibition (1985), Bordeaux (1985), The Architectural League of New York (1986), Athens (1986), Rotterdam (1986), Santiago de Chile (1987), Buenos Aires Biennial exhibition (1987, Golden Medal), Contemporary Art Museum of Caracas (1989), Tokio (1989), Paris (1990), Deutsche ArkitekturMuseum, Frankfurt (1991), Bolonia (1991), Bagneux (1991), Basel (1992), Florence (1992), Viena (1992), Chicago (1993), Olinda Biennial exhibition in Brasil (1994), Buenos Aires Biennial exhibition (1995), Expotecnia New Delhi (1997), AEDES Galery, Berlin (1997-98), Essen Deubau (1998), Città Emilia, Italy (1998), Buenos Aires Biennial exhibition (1998), León, México (2000), Asti, Italy (2001), Buenos Aires (2001), Moscow (2004).

His work has been granted with many distinctions among which there are several FAD prizes: 1982 (Muntaner Station), 1987 (Jujol School), 1988 (Raventós i Blanc Winery), 1989 (la Caixa Cultural Centre, Palau Macaya); opinion FAD: 1981 (Olèrdola House), 1982 (Muntaner Station), 1987 (Jujol School and Porchs), 1988 (Raventós i Blanc Winery); several times finalist: 1981 (Olèrdola House), 1982 (l´Alzina School complex), 1984 (Bellaterra Station, Special Mention), 1986 (Health assistance Centre in Sant Vicenç dels Horts), 1987 (Youth Centre, Kindergarten Torre Balldovina) and 1988 (COAC 5th floor), 1989 (Sports Centre in Gràcia), 1990 (Clínica Corachán Extension), 1991 (Olympic Stadium in Terrassa), 1993 (Sabadell Station), 1997 (Secondary School in Mollet), 2000 (Illa Fleming); selected several times: 1987 (Can Gasset Housing, Sant Gervasi House), 1988 (Enology and Viticulture School Mercè Rossell), 1990 (Incineration plant in Tarragona), 1991 (Can Ros Station), 1992 (Telephone Exchange in Vila Olímpica), 1998 (Illa Metalco), 2000 (Caposa factory and offices), 2001 (Plaça Cerdà Housing), 2004 (Edifici Banc Sabadell Landscape); and proposed for FAD and Pabellón Mies van der Rohe European Prize; and design prizes Delta de Plata ADI FAD 1984 (Access wheels for railway stations for FFCC de la Generalitat de Catalunya), and 1986 ADI FAD selection (Barcina Pot). He has as well some “Brunnel Commendation” given by The International Awards for Outstanding Visual Design in Public Railway Transport: in 1989 (Utrecht), 1992 (Madrid), 1994 (Washington), 1998 (Madrid).
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