Di Mase Architects is a Melbourne architectural practice based in North Fitzroy. For over 7 years, Di Mase Architects has developed a strong reputation for its finely detailed work, creative approach to difficult sites and spaces and design driven philosophy. Di Mase Architects’ consultative approach ensures the needs of our clients are intimately understood. Much of what we do is informed by a sensitive opportunism – rather than imposing a set idea we make the most of each project by revealing the qualities of each site and space and creating architecture that is relevant to people’s lives. Committed to sustainable architectural practice, our approach to architecture is DESIGN MORE + CONSUME LESS. Di Mase Architects’ environmental philosophy means that each and every project aims to meet or exceed the Building Code of Australia’s 5 star rating system. Furthermore, we are committed to the renewal of the existing built environment and infrastructure as a way to limit the unsustainable expansion of our cities. We actively seek to revitalize existing spaces, structures and to integrate new buildings into their physical and cultural context