Monday, January 17, 2011

Satoshi Okada architects

Satoshi Okada architects Inc. was founded by Arch. Satoshi Okada in Tokyo in 1995. For these fifteen years, major works have been globally published in books, magazines, and TV programs, over two hundred in total. In 2009, the achievement was crystallized into the monograph, Satoshi Okada - i miei progetti la mia architettura (introduction by Francesco Dal Co) was published from Electa architettura, Milano. Satoshi Okada architects Inc. is now located in the City of Kunitachi, identified as one of the most beautiful towns in both culture and green, in Tokyo. All of the working staff is selected to super-excellent architects who share the same spirit and sensitivity for design. Under the concept and design direction proposed by Satoshi Okada, each senior architect is responsible for working on each single project at one time with numerous discussions among Okada and other related professionals thoroughly from the initial design stage to all the supervising processes during construction towards each building completion; which, in fact, has enabled to realize buildings in the highest quality.
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