Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Marcus Beale Architects

Marcus Beale Architects deliver successful and imaginative solutions for sensitive buildings and sites, applying principles of conservation, sustainability and listening to create new, lively environments over a wide range of building types, energy efficient and popular in use. Established in 1991 the practice specialises in difficult sites including inner city areas, Grade I Listed buildings and landscapes, Conservation Areas, Scheduled Ancient Monuments and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Built results are project-specific, well researched and sustainable. MBA has a particular interest in acoustics and the audible experience of space. Services include: master planning, conservation and management plans, the design and construction of: homes, theatres, teaching spaces, lecture theatres, libraries, offices, student accommodation, health, urban landscape and social spaces. In 2007 our specialist conservation arm Stow&Beale Conservation Architects LLP was formed to focus on the repair and conservation of important historic buildings, monuments, gardens and heritage structures. We think laterally for successful built results, listen to clients and users, assemble appropriately skilled construction teams and lead them to deliver successful buildings with maximum professionalism and impact, minimum fuss.
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