Designer and interior architect Maarten Van Severen (BE) was born in Antwerp on 5 June 1956 and died in Ghent on 21 February 2005.
The survey of Maarten Van Severens work on this website is based on the 'Catalogue Raisonné' published in the book Maarten Van Severen Werken | Work, Stichting Kunstboek, 2004. That publication was initiated by the Design Museum in Ghent and the Flanders Design Centre npo on the occasion of the Maarten Van Severen retrospective in the Design Museum (18 december 2004 - 27 february 2005). The list of his work in Werken | Work, here just completed with the pieces produced afther the publication of the book, provides a starting point for a more complete list of his oeuvre based on the archives which are currently being processed.