Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gonzalo Mardones Arquitecto

Architect, ‘Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile’, 1980. He graduates with the Maximum Honors and been selected the best degree project for the ‘Universidad Católica de Chile. In 1974 participate in the ‘Taller Anderson’. In 1983 is awarded with the ’50 Años Pizarreño Prize’ in the Chilean Architectural Biennale, for the best degree project among all the Architectural Schools in Chile, for his project for urban renewal of the South-West Center of Santiago. The same year receives the ‘Decano Risopatrón’ and the ‘Ministerio de Educación’ for the ‘Santa Isabel’ project. He studied in Cidu-Ipu degree in the ‘Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.’
In 1979 creates ‘Mardones Arquitectos y Asociados’ with Carlos Mardones Santistevan. In 1999 creates ‘Gonzalo Mardones Viviani Arquitectos’.
He has been selected for the Chilean Biennales for the projects: ‘Edificios San Pablo’, ‘Casas de León’, ‘Casas de La Reina’, ‘Edificio Amapolas’, Edificio Puertas de Lo Curro’, ‘Edificio Rotonda de Lo Curro’, ‘Edificio Comercial Cerro Castillo’, ‘Edificio Terrado Blanco’, ‘Colegio Nido de Águilas’, ‘Edificio Integramédica’, ‘Edificio Comercial Duomo’, ‘MIM Museo Interactivo Mirador’, ‘Monografía Casas-Houses’, ‘Embajada de Chile en Berlín’ y ‘Parque Automotriz SK’.
He has been a member of the National Commission of Competitions of the Architects Association in Chile and in 1998 a Founding member of the ‘Association of Architectural Practices’ (AOA). Also this year he gets the ‘Professor Degree’ by the ‘Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile’.
He has been a professor of degree projects in the Faculties of Architecture of the ‘Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile’, ‘Universidad de Chile’, ‘Universidad Central’, ‘Universidad Finis Terrae’ and ‘Universidad Andrés Bello’, professor of architectural design workshops in ‘Universidad Central’ and ‘Universidad Finis Terrae’, in addition to having been guest professor in ‘Universidad del Desarrollo Santiago’, ‘Universidad del Desarrollo Concepción’, ‘Universidad de Viña del Mar’, ‘Universidad de Talca’, ‘Universidad de Los Andes’ and ‘Universidad Mayor San Andrés’ (Bolivia). Gonzalo Mardones actually is the ‘USS Universidad San Sebastián’ Magister’s Director.
During 2003 he realizes the projects for Chilean Embassy and Chilean Consulate in Berlin, Germany.
In 2007 is awarded with the ‘Artevia-Lafarge Prize for the architectonic innovation’ for the projects ‘Glamis Apartments’ and ‘Ramos Erpel House’. The ‘Glamis Apartments’ been awarded with the bronze medal in the Miami Biennale USA and its recognized with the third prize in the ‘Plataforma Arquitectura Project of the Year 2007’.
In 2008 participate in the ‘XXIII CLEFA Latin-American Architecture Universities Conference’ in La Paz, Bolivia as a ‘Magistral Conference’, and then he received the ‘Degree Distinction’ by the ‘UMSA Universidad Mayor de San Andrés’ (Bolivia).
At the Miami Bienal 2009 the project 'Parque Neighborhood' were recognized with the Bienal Medallion and the Gold Medal in Collective Housing Category. 'Tomás Apartments' receives in the same category the Silver Medal, and in 'Commercial Interiors' receives the Silver Medal for the 'Gonzalo Mardones Architect Studio'.
His work has been published in America, Europe and Asia.
In 2003 the Argentinean magazine ‘Casas-Houses’ publish a monograph issue of Mardones presented by the Poet Raúl Zurita. In Chile ‘Zonacreativa ediciones’ publish the book ‘Gonzalo Mardones 2003-2005’ for the series ‘Arquitectos Chilenos Contemporáneos’ with presentations by the architects Enrique Napp, Albert Tidy and Borja Huidobro. In 2006 the Argentinean Editorial Kliczkowski create a double monograph issue of ‘Casas Internacional’ magazine, its have been distributed also in book format. Include conversations with the recognized Argentinean architectural critic Tomas Dagnino who also presents the book.
Gonzalo Mardones actually have works in Chile, Spain and Venezuela.
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