YH2 is an architectural design firm founded in 1994
by architects Marie-Claude Hamelin and Loukas Yiacouvakis. For YH2, the architectural process is not simply about finding a functional solution to a given problem; it is a creative and transformative tool for approaching the spaces we inhabit every day, a way to reinvent reality. The project should adapted itself to the context while transforming it. With every project, the focus is not only on form and essence, but also on the meaning of each element of the program. The resulting designs are composed in the language of simplicity and purism. Concepts are developed with economy of means, and each element must be essential to the overall design.
Loukas Yiacouvakis, M.O.A.Q.,
1994Bachelor of Architecture, Université de Montréal,
1990Internship in architecture with Melvin Charney architect; urban study of ‘’faubourg St-Laurent’’ of
1990Internship in architecture with Mario Biocca architect; development of several urban settlements,
1991 to 1993Participated in the ‘’Montréal en projet’’, 10 years of urban architecture (curator: Melvin Charney)
Marie-Claude Hamelin, M.O.A.Q.,
1997 Bachelor of Architecture, Université de Montréal,
1990Participated in Intermondiun, a course taught by Daniel Libeskind, in Italy,
1991Internship in architecture at the University of Israel,
1991Second prize in the Habiter l’Espace contest,
1987Second prize in the S.A.Q. contest,
1998Participated in the ‘’Montréal en projet’’, 10 years of urban architecture (curator: Melvin Charney)