nendo / Oki Sato
1977Born in Toronto, Canada
2002M.A. in Architecture, Waseda University, Tokyo
Established "nendo" Tokyo office
2005Established "nendo" Milan office
2006Lecturer for Showa Women's University, Tokyo "The 100 Most Respected Japanese" (Newsweek magazine)
2007 "The Top 100 Small Japanese Companies" (Newsweek magazine)2008Published "nendo" (daab)
2009Lecturer for Kuwasawa Design School, Tokyo
2010Published "nendo ghost stories" (Art Design Publishing) Private Exhibitions 2005"bloomroom" Milan Design Week / Milan
2008"elastic diamond" Milan Design Week / Milan"kuuki" Le Bain gallery / Tokyo
2009 "ghost stories" Friedman Benda gallery / New York"ghost stories" Museum of Arts and Design / New York
2010 "chair garden" Antonia Jannone gallery / Milan"thin black lines" Phillips de Pury at Saatchi gallery / London
"blurry white surfaces" Phillips de Pury / London Collections The Museum of Modern Art / New York
Musee des Arts decoratifs / ParisMuseum of Arts and Design / New YorkCooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum / New YorkThe Montreal Museum of Fine Arts / MontrealDesign Museum Holon / HolonThe Israel Museum / JerusalemHigh Museum / Atlanta